
Affordable Housing


Helping families find affordable housing

Affordable Housing provides a permanent housing solution for working families with children who are in need.
Since 1960, renters’ incomes have increased by 8%, while their housing costs have increased by 61%. Despite the growing gap between wages and housing costs, only one in four families get the housing assistance it needs because of chronic under-funding.

Hannah Grace Gardens allows working families to keep more of their incomes for other essentials like food, medicine, education, childcare and transportation while having a safe place to call home. Unfortunately, the demand is much greater than the supply. Our program will impact this imbalance by setting up communities throughout Lake, Sumter and Orange County Florida.

How can you help?

We ask everyone a particular question when we explain our vision. Have you ever had a conversation with a homeless child? We have. It’s as if the light that drives the human existence has died out inside of them.

It’s as if they are not looking at you, but looking through you to see if you carry any greater character than the ones that abandoned them. How can you help? Your $0.43 cents a day can save a homeless child? That’s only 12.99 cents per month. Less than what you spend per on a bottle of water or a small coffee.

Are you a family in need?

Start the process to recovery today.

Please be as thorough as possible. Due to the volume of applications, we will only respond to the ones that have been selected for interviews. God Bless.

Other Programs


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Housing First

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Restore Lake

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